Friday, August 17, 2012

Active Myofascial therapy first meeting

Hi everyone,

Today we started the first session of Active Myofascial Therapy~ The Diamond Method. I am planning on re-opening my business in South Florida. I took the Fresh Start program with Irene, and she just opened my eyes on a different aspect of running my massage practice. I registered for the Active Myofascial Therapy class because I wanted to bring something unique to my clients. I am trying to gear my practice toward a clinical setting instead of just pampering. 

My flights and hotels are booked are booked for the seminar. I will be in San Francisco, California with my mother and my four month daughter. Since my husband is a diamond member, we will be staying at the Hilton on Fisherman's wharf for 4 days. I recommend everyone starting a new business to bring something unique. 

Today, I basically cut up a few things that I would like to order, I read a couple of old Massage magazines, and to my surprise, I found an article by Irene Diamond on how to get referrals from physicians. The reason I admire Irene so much is the fact that she doesn't tell you to go do this or do that. She shows you how to do it, most of the time she does the work for you. How easy is that???